Monday, April 28, 2008

Wednesday April 23rd: Unlce John visits

In this picture: Carson is picking up rocks and blowing on them, He wants to cool them down before eating them, I guess. ;)

Wednesday Carson and I drove to LA to pick up my Brother John and his friend Kara at the Lax Airport. They won a trip out here, which was in perfect timing because John just got accepted in to Vanguard University, in which he will be transferring to this Fall. I am so excited for him to get down here already and learn to use the many talents he has and be surrounded by people who share his passion for creating movies and comedy. So while He was here this weekend I took him to see the campus (Thank you Becca for the Private tour!) and showed John what there is to do in Costa Mesa CA where his school is located.

After picking up John and Kara from the airport they were both starving and wanted to eat at the famous In-N-Out so we went straight there.
After chowing down, John wanted Kara to see where he grew up our old house, and our old Elementary School (Acacia) Which is named after the beautifully large Acacia Tree that is smack in the center of the school, You can see how magnificent this tree is below...
Thats a "Iam smiling cuz i just ate dirt" look if I have ever seen one!

Carson and Uncle John

The famous Acacia Tree

John and Kara in front of the Acacia Tree

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