Monday, April 28, 2008

Friday April 28th- Carsons first trip to Disneyland!

Carson clinged on for me for dear life on what ever ride we went on. This is on Buzz Light Year ride. I have claw marks in my arms from Carson trying to climb up me when the rides started.

At the very end of the day, Brian and I got to breathe while Carson slept, and we enjoyed the infamous Dole Whip, so good and so refreshing.

Carson's favorite thing all day at disneyland... throwing the ball through the basket

On the Toon Town Trolley

Mmm. PB &J sandwich

Carson's first ride: Not such a good idea in retrospect.

Darkness + Scary Pirates + Two drops = one Scared for his life Carson

Carson look over here...

Carson is THRILLED to be at Disneyland cant you tell?

"Carson we aren't on the ride, its a stationary dumbo to take pictures in..."

I think he was having Pirates of the Caribbean flash backs

Carson was afraid of mickey too so I made sure he was as far from mickey as possible in this pic!

Carson wasn't a big fan of disneyland, I think I will hold off on getting an annual pass until he is like 5 and will enjoy it and appreciate it more and not be traumatized. But despite the rides that scared the daylights out of lil c, we did enjoy playing in toon town and watching the Jedi training show.

Thursday, April 24th

John and Kara (John looks like he has a cape :)

Thursday John and Kara and Carson and I went and visited Vanguard University and got a private tour from our great family friend, Becca Fields, who is currently attending the school. She so graciously put aside doing a paper to give us a tour. Then later that day we went to the Beach so John and Kara could experience the heart of southern CA and John can see how close Vanguard is to the beach, he could litterally ride his bike.

The stroller on the sand, didn't think this idea through... at least i got my exercise

carson climbing on the sand

We saw this cool drip castle while there - we didnt' build it.

Wednesday April 23rd: Unlce John visits

In this picture: Carson is picking up rocks and blowing on them, He wants to cool them down before eating them, I guess. ;)

Wednesday Carson and I drove to LA to pick up my Brother John and his friend Kara at the Lax Airport. They won a trip out here, which was in perfect timing because John just got accepted in to Vanguard University, in which he will be transferring to this Fall. I am so excited for him to get down here already and learn to use the many talents he has and be surrounded by people who share his passion for creating movies and comedy. So while He was here this weekend I took him to see the campus (Thank you Becca for the Private tour!) and showed John what there is to do in Costa Mesa CA where his school is located.

After picking up John and Kara from the airport they were both starving and wanted to eat at the famous In-N-Out so we went straight there.
After chowing down, John wanted Kara to see where he grew up our old house, and our old Elementary School (Acacia) Which is named after the beautifully large Acacia Tree that is smack in the center of the school, You can see how magnificent this tree is below...
Thats a "Iam smiling cuz i just ate dirt" look if I have ever seen one!

Carson and Uncle John

The famous Acacia Tree

John and Kara in front of the Acacia Tree

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Earth Day April 22nd

Great Grandpa Cecil and Carson at Tom's farms
He has gotten a lot bigger since the last time we came here.

G.G. bought carson his first Cowboy hat!

Carson loves his Great Grandpa Cec!

Visiting Kelly at her Classroom

Kick Ball Basket Ball..

Kelly's 27th bday was on Tuesday the 22nd (earth day) so Carson and i surprised her with a visit to her second grade class in Mira Loma, and brought cookies and juice for all the kids. And potted tulips (in honor of earth day) for Miss Valeriano(kelly) and I made the class of 2nd graders sing happy birthday to her.

Then we got to stay and watch her class do PE and play kick ball basket ball a game I never heard of until then. Kelly is a good teacher and keeps a tight leash on those kiddos they know she says what she means. That was carson's first time at an elmentary school (in session). It was alot of fun. Cant wait to be a teacher and have my own classroom!

After leaving Kelly's class we met up with Great Grandpa Cecil at Tom's farms since we were already out on the 15 and we hadn't seen gramps in awhile. It was fun to spend quality time with him, and do the things that we did at tom's farms when he was only 3 months old!

Grandpa Cecil bought Carson his first cowboy hat. Carson and I had a good time with him at Tom's farms. And that was how we spent our earth day, enjoying the outdoors and good friends and family company :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Carson's first bad fat lip

After posting the last post i realized I should probably explain Carson's fat lip and how he got it... Every Thursday night we go to Brian's softball games. Which usually just consists of me chasing Carson around and playing with him, and then when I see Brian up to bat I pick carson up and say "look daddy's up for bat lets watch" and then he's content for 35seconds until he is squirming for me to let him down to go play with his ball. Well, he was picking his ball up throwing it chasing it then picking it back up throwing it chasing it.. while running after his ball he tried to kick it and actually rolled his foot over it and tripped and fell smack on the concrete he caught his fall with his hands, but he fell so hard his face also hit the concrete, his lip was bleeding and his mouth, and Brian was on the field so I couldn't get him to help me calm Carson down, but Carsons pretty tough and as soon as the inning ended Brian helped cheer Carson up by making him laugh. He is really great at making Carson laugh and get his mind off being hurt. He is good at doing that for me too. Anyways that is how Carson got the poor little scab on his lip.

Saturday night

This last Saturday Brian was out of town, Carson and I hung out with Audrey and Kyle. First we went retro shopping for a retro birthday we are going to next friday, its so nice going shopping with a good friend like Audrey when I have Carson. Because she is good at entertaining him by putting him in silly hats while I shop. She is also good at alerting me "choking baby, choking baby" when carson is choking on the wheatthin i gave him. That boy chokes so often I dont even flinch now, I just do the finger swoop and remove the food he is choking on, in this case though I thought I was going to push it farther back in his throat so I waited to let him cough it out, which he did following mandarin orange vomit. Oh the joy's of motherhood. I just wiped him down with wipes collected all the chewed/ spat up wheat thins and gave him juice and then back to shopping :).
Audrey patiently waited while I tried on half of the store then when we (or I) finished shopping, we joined Kyle next store at Braneagins (sp?) and enjoyed a healthy serving of Irish nachos,.. which I had never had before, I was thinking they were going to be chips oh no the Irish pack the cheese, bacon, and sourcream on to greasy potatoes,.. they were enjoyable but after about 5 min the cheese begins to sit at the bottom of your stomach and you realized you probably seriously increased your chances of a heart attack. "More Diabetes Please"
We then continued the evening of fun at Fridays, where they have super fun Trivia game. I could play that trivia game all night. Kyle entertained Carson for a good half hour with a lemon as you can see in the pics. We had a good time and Carson loves all the attention he gets from Audrey and Kyle and I love it too. Its so nice to go out with friends that love your kid and dont get annoyed or flustered by his tangents and inability to sit peacfully through a meal. As a mom it means the world to me when friends love on carson and entertain and play with him. Or just help me out in little ways by carrying one of the twelve items I am trying to hold while carrying my son. I love it. (I am realizing more and more my love language is acts of service.) So if you are reading this Audrey or Kyle thanks for a FUN stress free, night I love you both!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Carson and friends

Emily, Charlie and Carson hanging out after Emily's birthday party Sunday April 6th.

Emily and Carson at the Park Tuesday April 8th

Me, Carson, Ava and Brooke, Liam, and Michelle - My mom friends from WA
(This pic was taken in January before I moved back to CA)

One of the great things about being a mom is having other friends who are mothers too and can relate to the joys that motherhood brings along with the frusterations too. Carson attended his first "friend" birthday party on Sunday. It was Emily Macshane's 1st birthday. Emily's Mom (Suzanne Macshane formally known as Suzanne Fields) and I hang out frequently since we live down the street from each other and have known each other since we were litttle kids. Its cool that the way we became friends is through our mom's watching us for each other and now we are watching each others kids for each other. I hope that Carson and Emily grow up to and love eachother like brother and sister like me and the fields girls do.

Anyways it is neat and wierd at the same time to watch your kids interact with your friends' kids, On Sunday at the party we took a shot of Carson, Emily and Charlie (Jessica and Will's daughter) together and it was wierd to think, "hey those are mine and my friends kids"

I love having friends that have kids close to the same age as Carson so it is fun to see them grow together and meet each milestone around the same time. I love talking to my mom friends and finding out that it's normal to want to pull your hair out after a long day of whining, crying, fussing and chaos.