Monday, July 6, 2009

busy busy June :) and my first day of student teaching

I had my first day of student teaching today, which was actually the very first day of school for Lincoln Alternative Elementary school in Corona. It went FABulously :) could not have been better my master teacher seems great I am very happy with my placement and there was no traffic on the way out their either :) I am excited to learn a lot from her and her 12 years plus experience teaching primary. It is a second grade class. I am sad to not be at home half the week with carson.. this will be an adjustment because since he has been born I have only had to work part time and got to be a part time stay-at-home mom. But it is only for 16 weeks.. Carson had his first day of full day preschool last wednesday. He is going to be going to Eastside Christian Preschool now on Mon/wed/friday and MIke (brian's dad) still has him on Tues/thurs. He loves school. and he LOVES going to Papa's house..

Speaking of papa, my dad and mom and brother Luke were just out here in June the first two weeks of it and we had a good time staying at Brent and Cynthia Laurers beautiful beach home in Newport that they let my parents use while they were here. We also got to go to Lego land 2x in June. (and I have a pass so if anyone wants to go... let me know :) ) Brian and I went the first weekend in June with carson when our camping trip with Julie and Dave got rained out. and then we went again with my mom dad, two brothers and Luke's friend tom.

Carson loved lego land and so did I! the place is fabulous for little guys. Carson and I went to the first couple days of Mariners VBS and got to see Jana Alarya live. (google her if you dont know who that lady is, she is like the carrie underwood of childrens christian music.)

Then I was in Audrey and Kyle's wedding which was a blast, then the next day after their wedding Carson and I drove to Las Vegas to visit Josh and Karyss and their new baby Oliver :) he is a doll.

This last weekend Brian and Carson and I watched fireworks in the Fullerton HS stadium and enjoyed "cardio' dogs as Will calls them *hotdogs wrapped in bacon ... DELISH!! I had two.. and let me tell you it tasted like the 4th of July.. if you could eat it ,,. that is what it would taste like. :O)

Carson loved the fireworks. then after the fire works we dropped him off with papa maurer and raced to Lindsay's 1940's themed birthday party in Camarillo.
Which was a blast.

So needless to say June was busy busy for me and now this second week of July I begin my 16 week journey of student teaching :)