Monday, April 21, 2008

Carson's first bad fat lip

After posting the last post i realized I should probably explain Carson's fat lip and how he got it... Every Thursday night we go to Brian's softball games. Which usually just consists of me chasing Carson around and playing with him, and then when I see Brian up to bat I pick carson up and say "look daddy's up for bat lets watch" and then he's content for 35seconds until he is squirming for me to let him down to go play with his ball. Well, he was picking his ball up throwing it chasing it then picking it back up throwing it chasing it.. while running after his ball he tried to kick it and actually rolled his foot over it and tripped and fell smack on the concrete he caught his fall with his hands, but he fell so hard his face also hit the concrete, his lip was bleeding and his mouth, and Brian was on the field so I couldn't get him to help me calm Carson down, but Carsons pretty tough and as soon as the inning ended Brian helped cheer Carson up by making him laugh. He is really great at making Carson laugh and get his mind off being hurt. He is good at doing that for me too. Anyways that is how Carson got the poor little scab on his lip.

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