Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday night

This last Saturday Brian was out of town, Carson and I hung out with Audrey and Kyle. First we went retro shopping for a retro birthday we are going to next friday, its so nice going shopping with a good friend like Audrey when I have Carson. Because she is good at entertaining him by putting him in silly hats while I shop. She is also good at alerting me "choking baby, choking baby" when carson is choking on the wheatthin i gave him. That boy chokes so often I dont even flinch now, I just do the finger swoop and remove the food he is choking on, in this case though I thought I was going to push it farther back in his throat so I waited to let him cough it out, which he did following mandarin orange vomit. Oh the joy's of motherhood. I just wiped him down with wipes collected all the chewed/ spat up wheat thins and gave him juice and then back to shopping :).
Audrey patiently waited while I tried on half of the store then when we (or I) finished shopping, we joined Kyle next store at Braneagins (sp?) and enjoyed a healthy serving of Irish nachos,.. which I had never had before, I was thinking they were going to be chips oh no the Irish pack the cheese, bacon, and sourcream on to greasy potatoes,.. they were enjoyable but after about 5 min the cheese begins to sit at the bottom of your stomach and you realized you probably seriously increased your chances of a heart attack. "More Diabetes Please"
We then continued the evening of fun at Fridays, where they have super fun Trivia game. I could play that trivia game all night. Kyle entertained Carson for a good half hour with a lemon as you can see in the pics. We had a good time and Carson loves all the attention he gets from Audrey and Kyle and I love it too. Its so nice to go out with friends that love your kid and dont get annoyed or flustered by his tangents and inability to sit peacfully through a meal. As a mom it means the world to me when friends love on carson and entertain and play with him. Or just help me out in little ways by carrying one of the twelve items I am trying to hold while carrying my son. I love it. (I am realizing more and more my love language is acts of service.) So if you are reading this Audrey or Kyle thanks for a FUN stress free, night I love you both!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOVE the lemon pictures of Carson! Adorable!