Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My first day subbing!!

OKay I have to work on my masters so I have to keep this post short. But I had my first day subbing today at Robert C. Fisler school in fullerton. It is a brand new school only 6 years old didn't even know it existed. It is way nice I would love to work their some day. I subbed for a first grade class, I didn't get the call until 8:20am so I rushed over there (school started at 8am) A teacher from another class was teaching the class until I got there. I had no lesson plans I just had to go with it and try to make sense of the teachers code scribbles of what she wanted to accomplish for her self. It would read PB 160-167 and I had to figure out what the heck that meant. Luckily there was a really nice first grade teacher next store who was helpful and let me know what she was teaching for the day and what she thought Miss Kim would want me to teach. I had an overall good day, only made one girl cry. because she had to move her clip down.. I mean she was histerical and cried through her entire lunch recess. But she redeemed herself by the end of the day and moved her clip back up. One student had a full time aid, this aid helped me with the routines of the day and what was and was not allowed. I Let the first graders choose a sticker out of a box of stickers I had on their way out of class at the end of the day and wrote a 5 page note to the teacher explaining what we did. I hope I get called back to sub again at Fisler, hopefully by next time I will have cute business cards to leave and cute letterhead to write my notes to the teacher on!

I am so excited to finally be a sub!
OH and when I got home on my counter Brian left me a rose and a card that read "Hope your 1st day went perfect! love you Ms Worsham

such a good surprise :)

1 comment:

Kristy Floyd said...

Exciting! Good job, Congrats!