Saturday, December 20, 2008

End of November til now updates :)

So after thanksgiving Carson Brian and I went Christmas tree shopping and got a huge noble christmas tree at HOme Depot, after attempting to go to a "you cut" place only to find out, that Nobles dont grow here and we would have to get one at HOme Depot (because they are shipped from Oregon). Carson attempted to help decorate but he was more interested in throwing the "balls" aka ornaments.

I love our tree though it makes our house smell so good.

I had a amazing Ugly Christmas Sweater Party (1st annual) that was a BLAST!! Every one that attended had a great time. I dont mean to brag but it was the most fun I have had at a party all year. Special thanks to my mom for donating some quality sweaters, I made pumpkin pie and cookies. Also HUGE thanks to my mom and my aunt carrie for all the help cleaning my house for the big day :). I made my family a roast in the crock pot for dinner that my friends at the UCS party finished :).

I cant wait till next year's party, brian had so much fun he wants to make it happen 4x a year!

my brother John did an amazing job as Mr. Potter in "its a wonderful life" at Vangard university. My mom flew down just to see it. WE were all so impressed how great and convincing his old man is. I got John to sign my program at dinner afterwards.

We ended last weekend Sunday at Julie and Dave's wedding reception which was a blast Carson danced with every lady their he owned the dance floor!

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