Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mother's Day/ Carson's Baby dedication- May 11th

On mothers day, we dedicated Carson at University Praise's Baby Dedication. My friend Julie came just to see carson get dedicated, and for some reason that was the only pic I took on mothers day, I dont know why? Will Parris took professional mothersday family shots for everyone at UP that day so when I get that back I will post it. But this was a great day and I am glad that Brian and I finally got to dedicate our so Carson to the Lord. It is so amazing to me to see how much having a baby really makes you see how much more important it is to model christlikeness in your everyday life. Especially now that Carson is a toddler he is a little mimicing machine he will copy what ever you do. It wont be long before he will be copying everything we say as well. I am a firm believer that actions speak much louder than words. I want to make sure my actions model my love for Christ much more so than my words. Brian as well now that we have Carson has been so much more driven in his faith to model that to Carson. I am excited to see him grow up and to discover how much our Heavenly Father loves us and how much he has instore for Carson.

We dedicated Carson to the verse Proverbs 3:3-6 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Brian and I both have lived and know the truthfullness of this verse. God has an amazing plan for everyones life and all we have to do is trust him and not lean on what makes sense to us, (obviously alot easier said then done) that is where prayer and trust and faith and more prayer come in!

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