Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Trip to the Library

After going to Acacia Park and then to Old Navy to get some summer clothes for Carson (who knew it would be 90 degrees in April??) We went on over to the good ol' Fullerton Public Library. Carson's first trip to the library, of course I had to document this event.
He played with the cute little puzzles they had there. Went over well until he started throwing the pieces. I Had him pick out a couple baby books (that were cardboard/hard pages, cause the last thing i want to do is by a torn up book from the library) His favorite word right now is "baby" he says it all the time. He points to pictures of him and says "baby" So i got a couple of baby books with pictures of real babies in them.

I also got a couple toddler parenting books for me to read about some hot topics we are dealing with right now, such as sleeping through the night/when will i be able to sleep w/o being woken up 1-3 times a night, and discipline/how do you punish a 1yr old?, and feeding a toddler/ what if all he wants is fruit snacks.

So hopefully I will learn some new tips on raising a little toddler. This stage is hard because he can do everything a 2yr old can except talk which is key to him communicating his needs and him understanding what i mean when I say "running in the street is not safe" or "stop throwing your food". So in the mean time i feel like i am talking to a little cave man, who throws tantrums and hits when upset and gives hugs, laughs, and smiles when happy.

I am sure we will have many more trips to the library as it is both educational and FREE :)

1 comment:

Mashel said...

Too funny, go figure, he likes the library more then disneyland!Strange kid, you have to use that on him when he is 6, "But Carson you like the library better, remember?"