Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Carson visits Dad on his job for the first time

Saturday, on our way home from visiting Lindsay in Ventura we me and Carson stopped by Brian's job that was going in Culver City. Brian was excited to show Carson the ins and outs of asphault. Carson got to ride on a roller with Brian and learn about the temperature of asphault when it arrives and meet the crew. Carson is excited to sit behind anything that has a wheel.

It was my first time seeing Brian on a job too. It's kind of neat to see all the people and machines it takes to repave a parking lot.


Jessica & Will said...

Hey Ang!

Very good idea! Thanks for forwarding on the link! I will have to have you teach me how to add video to my blog! I love it!
Love you much!

Sarah said...

How cute!! Love the pictures, and the video is so cool!!