Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fire, Friends, Thanksgiving, San Diego Zoo..

November has been a busy month I will try to give a quick summary of my last 3 weekends. Starting with Sunday November 16th. I was in one of my best friend Julie Smith's Wedding. We found out the day before the wedding that The church she booked the wedding at was on Fire or close to being on Fire. I don't know if you were all aware that 3 weeks ago we had crazy fires that began off Gypsum canyon (the exit for Julies wedding location) and in Brea and Yorba Linda. Not only was the site of the wedding on fire, but Julies reception was supposed to be at the Yorba linda Community Center which was now the evacuation site for fire victims!

Julie and her family called all the guests to let them know they would reschedule a reception due to the fires. Instead the bridal party and immediate family had a very small ceremony on the beach at Corona Del Mar, away from the nasty smoke in Orange County. That was the craziest wedding I have been in but also so beautiful. My first wedding on a beach . As the bridal party was getting ready for the day at Julie's parents house (in Brea), the fires were so close that we had to stop getting ready and pack up all of Julies Parents valuables and pictures. CRAZY.

Next Weekend I got to spend some quality time with two of my best friends. Lindsay and Karyss. While Brian was in Dallas with his brother for the niner/cowboy game. Carson had a blast playing with Lola, lindsay and Grant's dog. We all went to Karyss' ultra sound appt. and found out she is having a BOY!

For Thanksgiving I made my very first pumpkin pie from scratch which everyone enjoyed and it was a big hit. I even bought a costco pumpkin pie for backup if my home made one's went south, but we didnt' even open that. Brian and Carson and I went to Brian's sisters, in-laws house for Thanksgiving dinner in Oceanside. It was a lot of fun. Of course I had the kids make a turkey craft, It was a great meal and good quality time with family.

Since we were already down in Ocean Side Brian and I decided to take Carson to the San Diego Zoo..
WE had a BLAST there to say the least. It was so exciting and fun. I saw so many animals that I have never seen in person before, like a rhino,camels, a swimming turtle with a snake neck, Okapi, (which has zebra legs and brown body.), A panda, hogs, A hippo swimming in the water.. and so much more,

but the most exciting part of the day at the zoo took place at the swamp monkey exhibit when a man jumped into the exhibit (an 8ft drop) in attempts to save a baby swamp monkey from being drowned in the water fall by an otter (also in the exhibit) Brian and carson and I were right there when this crazy event went down just staring in disbelief that a man would actually jump into a monkey exhibit with wild swamp monkey's. The mom and dad monkey went crazy and started to hiss and charge the intruder, we started to fear that this man was going to get bit by a pissed off monkey! Three men had to pull this guy out of this exhibit while another man sprayed his water bottle at the monkey trying to get the monkey away from the man and prevent the monkey from biting or attacking this crazy guy!

It was so exciting, that definitely tops any zoo experience ever! I WISH so badly I would have had my camera out to video tape this spectacle. It would be uploaded to youtube for sure. I am going to you tube it in the next few days to see if any other onlookers who caught this event on tape have uploaded it to you tube.

I had such a great thanksgiving weekend. AFter a weekend full of quality time and lots of picture taking, My love tank is full :)

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