March 17th Carson turned 13months. His hair was getting long and me and his Dad both agreed that it was time for a hair cut. Although Brian is capable of cutting Carson's hair himself (because he cuts his own like once a week,)
I had always envisioned Carson getting his first hair cut in a "just for kids "haircut place in one of those cute little airplane chairs. So what did I do? I did what any mom looking to get her son's first hair cut in an airplane seat would do.. I googled it. And to my surprise our very own city of Fullerton has the cutest little place, called Boogaloos just for kids hair cuts complete with airplane chairs. So I booked his hair appt right away.
I had always envisioned Carson getting his first hair cut in a "just for kids "haircut place in one of those cute little airplane chairs. So what did I do? I did what any mom looking to get her son's first hair cut in an airplane seat would do.. I googled it. And to my surprise our very own city of Fullerton has the cutest little place, called Boogaloos just for kids hair cuts complete with airplane chairs. So I booked his hair appt right away.
Today at 5pm Carson had his first Hair cut. I had prepared myself to experience a screaming unahappy child but to my pleasant surprise Carson did great! We got to pick the color airplane for carson to sit in (there was like 5 to choose from) and then the hair lady put in elmo for him to watch also. Brian and I took turns holding Carson still. He didn't cry or fuss once during the whole experience. He was a little angel. It helped that the Hair lady offered him a sucker. At first I was hesitant about giving him a sucker because he had never had one before,.. (not sure how good all that sugar is for his teeth) but then i thought, "sure he can have a sucker." He loved that little lollipop as you can see in the photos and video But afte he litterally had enough drool coming out of his mouth while sucking on that lollipop to fill a dixie cup! no joke.
So was a 19 dollar hair cut reasonable for a little baby trim? Probably not. But it was a great first hair cut experience. We even got to keep a little locket of his hair for the baby book (which Brian thinks is gross and wierd) and got a certificate with Carson's picture in the airplane chair.
From here on out Dad will cut Carson's hair makes more sense...
After the hair cut we took a stroll in down town fullerton and had dinner at Knowlwoods, and Brian and I cant get over how a simple hair cut has made our baby look like such a little boy!! A very handsome boy a might add! Our baby boy is growing up.. tear
He is officially exiting babyhood and entering toddlerhood.
1 comment:
Oh... my... gosh! SO cute! And I am with you on the special first haircut thing... I get it!
Can you put a little product in his hair everyday? It looks SO grown up and so cute all combed over to one side :)
I can't wait to see him in person!!
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