Sunday, March 30, 2008

Carson and Playgrounds

( This is carson in September when he was 7 months old at the park behind my parents house, the swing was the only thing he was big enough to do at the time, notice the blanket propping him up)

Carson at the Park in October (8 months old)

Saturday, March 29th

A few weeks ago at Tri city Park

This week at the The church playground behind my friend Michelle's house

yesterday ( March 29th) Carson's 13 months

Carson is now officially a toddler, walking, jabbering, climbing, throwing balls, the whole nine yards. It is so much fun now that he's this age to be able to bring him to the park and that he is able to finally "do stuff" there. When I was living at home in Washington with my parents when Carson was just 3months old- he was 10months, I longed to have him play at the beautiful Park behind my parents house. We would go on walks with him in the stroller to this park and just watch all the other kids play. But now he is finally old enough to actually enjoy and discover the park on his own with out me having to carry him to see and touch everything. I love it. That is one of my favorite things to do with him during the week, being a stay at home mom is great in that I can take him to the park during the day and play and have fun with him. I love that about living in California the ability to take carson to the park almost everyday of the year. Although I cant wait to go back to visit my parents and play in that beautiful park that's behind their house, hopefully its not raining...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Carson's 1st Interactive Easter

Technically this is Carson's 2nd Easter, but last year he could barely hold his head up let alone hunt for an easter Egg, This year was alot more exciting since Carson can walk and he loves Balls, that is his favorite word to say too. "ball" but it sounds more like "bah" And since Easter eggs are somewhat in the shape of a ball I was excited for him to "hunt" for them.

The Easter Egg HUNT:

March 22nd the Saturday before Easter Sunday We decided to attend Mariners Church's big Easter Egg Drop event, Where they were going to be dropping eggs from a helicopter into their big grass field. Families and children were encouraged to attend this free event and participate in easter egg hunts, facepainting, food, etc,. I was so looking forward to this event. The day arrived and as we were pulling into the church parking I saw tons of kids and parents streaming out of thier vehicles with easter baskets in hand. I was so sad that I didnt' bring Carson's easter basket. I told Brian it was at the condo but I didnt bring it because I thought the Easter bunny was supposed to bring it! That wouldnt make sense to use it the day before Easter before the "easter bunny" brought it.. So is the basket from the parents? or the Easter Bunny?

Anyways when we walked down to the grass field from the parking lot, we saw the grass field full of eggs and roped off as literally 1,000 parents and kids surrounded the edge of the grass field- I right away Felt anxious and nervous for how this event was supposed to be excuted.. Normally I dont mind big crowds but when you have a 13month old boy who wants to walk around and you are shoulder to shoulder with other parents and kids the anxiety sinks in that if you were to set your child down, it wouldn't take but an instant for them to get lost in the crowd.

The drop was supposed to take place at 3pm. and it was about 2:45pm when we arrived we met up with Brian's Parents and brother, sister and brother in law and their kids and then found out their was a section for kids 0-2. I was relieved because I could just picture little carson getting trampled by 10yrs going after eggs. So we went to the 0-2 section only to stand behind about 50 0ther parents and thier kids, we couldnt even see the field from where we were standing. Carson was sweating and turning red and getting wrestless

Finally at 3:15pm the Helicopter came and dropped more eggs on the field. Then when the helicopter took off they pretty much just said "go" and all thousand kids and their parent dashed into this field neeless to say I stayed back with Carson because I wasn't about to go into the battlefield for and risk losing him or get stepped on for a plastic egg. So we waited back and luckily a mom came out with her daughter who shared two of her eggs with Carson.

For the next 30 min they called from the stage kids names who were looking for their parents they had lost or parents names who were looking for their kids they had lost.

And that was how Carson's first easter egg hunt went. Kind of a bummer. As a former children's pastor I could think of about twenty ways to execute that event in a way less chaotic way,..

Like have different ages hunt at different times,, 0-2 hunt from 3pm-3:15pm 3-5 hunt from 3:45pm 4:00pm etc.. Or limit the amount of eggs each person could collect so that everyone could get eggs.. have kids rotate to other activities while they waiting for their turn to hunt..

The family made a unanimous decision to go to a much lower key egg hunt next year.

The Easter Basket:

That night i had so much fun playing easter bunny after Carson went to sleep. I remembered the way my mom had written our name in sharpie in cute letters on the big egg in our basket so my brothers and I could tell which basket was who's. So I did the same. Carson woke up that morning like he had known the easter bunny had come . He crawled out of bed with me by himself then walked to the door and pounded on it until i got up and opened the door that led to the living room where the easter basket was awaiting .

He walked right to it and pulled out his eggs and by banging to plastic eggs together he figured out how they open and ate the cookies and gummies that were inside.

He looked through everything in his basket,

Brian and Carson and his cousin Tim went to church at Mariners 11:30 service, where we met carson's grandma and grandpa maurer, then afterwards we went to the Maurers house for a bbq lunch, where Carson's grandma had set up an easter egg hunt in her backyard for Carson and his cousin Kiley (4) Carson was more interested in finding balls in the backyard then eggs..

Other then the Chaotic egg hunt at Mariners Saturday we had a pretty good easter. I think they will get more and more fun as the years go on and I get the hang of things and learn the answers to the key questions like: Does the easter basket come fromt the parents or the easter bunny.?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Carson's First Haircut

March 17th Carson turned 13months. His hair was getting long and me and his Dad both agreed that it was time for a hair cut. Although Brian is capable of cutting Carson's hair himself (because he cuts his own like once a week,)
I had always envisioned Carson getting his first hair cut in a "just for kids "haircut place in one of those cute little airplane chairs. So what did I do? I did what any mom looking to get her son's first hair cut in an airplane seat would do.. I googled it. And to my surprise our very own city of Fullerton has the cutest little place, called Boogaloos just for kids hair cuts complete with airplane chairs. So I booked his hair appt right away.

Today at 5pm Carson had his first Hair cut. I had prepared myself to experience a screaming unahappy child but to my pleasant surprise Carson did great! We got to pick the color airplane for carson to sit in (there was like 5 to choose from) and then the hair lady put in elmo for him to watch also. Brian and I took turns holding Carson still. He didn't cry or fuss once during the whole experience. He was a little angel. It helped that the Hair lady offered him a sucker. At first I was hesitant about giving him a sucker because he had never had one before,.. (not sure how good all that sugar is for his teeth) but then i thought, "sure he can have a sucker." He loved that little lollipop as you can see in the photos and video But afte he litterally had enough drool coming out of his mouth while sucking on that lollipop to fill a dixie cup! no joke.

So was a 19 dollar hair cut reasonable for a little baby trim? Probably not. But it was a great first hair cut experience. We even got to keep a little locket of his hair for the baby book (which Brian thinks is gross and wierd) and got a certificate with Carson's picture in the airplane chair.
From here on out Dad will cut Carson's hair makes more sense...

After the hair cut we took a stroll in down town fullerton and had dinner at Knowlwoods, and Brian and I cant get over how a simple hair cut has made our baby look like such a little boy!! A very handsome boy a might add! Our baby boy is growing up.. tear
He is officially exiting babyhood and entering toddlerhood.

Friday, March 14, 2008

University Praise Women's Retreat

Last Weekend I went on the University Praise Women's Retereat. (Brian took Carson for the Weekend) Brian sent me a pic of him and Carson at the Park the Saturday I was gone, Brian took Carson to the park. I like that I can go away for a weekend and know that Carson will have a good time with his dad and that the Condo will be as clean as I left it. That's a good feeling.

It was nice to rebond with my friends at University Praise and make some new friends.

The theme of the weekend was "masquarade ball" So on Saturday night we were masks that we each made that represented us. WE also were told to wear our best or worst dressed. As you can see in the pictures I obviously wore my very best hot pink dress.

After begging suzanne (our photographer for the weekend) to take a group pic she finally gave in and took a spontaneous photo shoot of Sarah Julie and I in our finest dresses with our jackets over them. A very classy look I might add.

In all seriousness though this weekend was nice. It's nice to take a break from life sometimes and spend time in God's beauty. It also doesnt' hurt that you can be in the mountains in southern CA and not freeze to death. I am looking forward to next year's womens' retreat.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Carson visits Dad on his job for the first time

Saturday, on our way home from visiting Lindsay in Ventura we me and Carson stopped by Brian's job that was going in Culver City. Brian was excited to show Carson the ins and outs of asphault. Carson got to ride on a roller with Brian and learn about the temperature of asphault when it arrives and meet the crew. Carson is excited to sit behind anything that has a wheel.

It was my first time seeing Brian on a job too. It's kind of neat to see all the people and machines it takes to repave a parking lot.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I have officially enter the world of blogging

Hello friends and family,

So since I live in a different state then my parents and I am realizing that not every body has a myspace account to see my pictures and hear about what's going on in mine and Carsons' world, I decided to join the world of bloggers and give my friends and family a chance to see what me and Carson are up to who live far away or who see me everyday and just want to see the great memories I am blogging about :) Whatever the case I am excited to use this to keep in touch with all my dear friends and family who I dont get to see that often.

love you all,
